
purple sheath Learn more about purple sheath

  • Control of Purple sheath Disease in growing Rice

    Control of Purple sheath Disease in growing Rice

    After heading, the flag leaf sheath produces dense needle-tip-sized purple dots on the flag leaf sheath, which gradually extends to most of the leaf sheath or the whole leaf sheath turns purple-brown, especially in the outer wall of the leaf sheath, sometimes infecting the inner wall or deep into the stem, and the seriously affected flag leaves are early.

    2020-11-08 Species rice purple sheath disease control symptoms heading after
  • Sorghum planting: what is sorghum purple spot disease?

    Sorghum planting: what is sorghum purple spot disease?

    What is sorghum purple spot? How to prevent it? Sorghum purple spot mainly occurs in the middle and late stages of sorghum growth, damaging leaves and leaf sheaths. Scabs purplish red, oval or oblong, mostly limited to parallel veins, sometimes pale purple halo, gray mold layer on the back of the leaf spot, leaf sheath...

  • Production method of Purple Bamboo Bonsai

    Production method of Purple Bamboo Bonsai

    Purple bamboo, also known as black bamboo, black bamboo, scattered bamboo, it is bamboo, bamboo pole purple-black, soft and shiny, hidden under the green leaves, very beautiful. Can look at it and remember its name. It can not only be planted in bamboo orchard with yellow trough bamboo, golden jade bamboo, spotted bamboo and other colored bamboo species, but also add color change.

  • How does purple bamboo plum become multiple pots in one pot

    How does purple bamboo plum become multiple pots in one pot

    Purple bamboo plum (also known as purple duckweed, purple leaf grass, purple golden grass, etc.), is a perennial herb of the family Commelina, with a height of 20-30 cm, leaves lanceolate, slightly curly, purplish red, down. Stem purplish brown, initially erect, elongated.

  • What are the varieties of corn seeds? How is the yield performance of each variety?

    What are the varieties of corn seeds? How is the yield performance of each variety?

    Corn is not only one of the four major food crops in the world, but also an important source of breeding feed, so the demand of corn in the market is very high. Nowadays, many farmers will choose to plant corn in autumn, but they must choose a suitable place before planting.

    2020-11-27 Corn seed variety which each yield performance
  • What are the seed characteristics of Jinyuan 007 corn?

    What are the seed characteristics of Jinyuan 007 corn?

    Friends who grow corn should have some experience, and different corn seeds have different nutritional value. So do you know what are the seed characteristics of Jinyuan 007 corn? 1. The characteristics of Jinyuan 007 maize seeds the leaf sheath of Jinyuan 007 maize seedlings was purple.

    2020-11-08 Golden Garden 007 Corn Seeds characteristics there which planting
  • Like a naked man in a straw hat-- Italian red orchid

    Like a naked man in a straw hat-- Italian red orchid

    Italian red orchid, also known as Naked male Orchid, Italian male Orchid, is a kind of Orchidaceae. The plant is 20-50 cm tall, with terminal flowers, whitish pink or purple flowers, and a helmet-shaped perianth with dark stripes.

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of Peucedanum praeruptorum

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Peucedanum praeruptorum

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Peucedanum praeruptorum

  • Introduction of 19 Maize varieties

    Introduction of 19 Maize varieties

    The growth period of Tianzi 19 corn is 137days, and the approval number is Ningshanyu 20160010. The seedling leaf sheath is purple, the leaf is green, the leaf margin is green, the plant type is semi-compact, and the plant height is 280.5cm. Introduction of Tian Chi 19 Maize species 1. Variety sources Wuwei Ganxin species Co., Ltd and Shaanxi

    2020-11-09 Divine gift corn seed introduction divine gift growth period
  • The nickname of purple delicate flower

    The nickname of purple delicate flower

    Purple Jiao flower is a perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae, bulbous flowers, 30-50 cm tall, with cylindrical bulbs, tufted into plants. The appearance of Zijiao flower is similar to that of Chinese leek except that its color is different from that of Chinese leek.

  • Keep it in mind-- Purple Flower

    Keep it in mind-- Purple Flower

    Purple flower is a perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae. Bulbous flowers, 30-50 cm tall, with cylindrical bulbs, clustered into plants. Its appearance is different from Chinese leek in appearance, (Chinese leek is generally white flower, this flower.

  • Sorghum sheath blight

    Sorghum sheath blight

    Symptoms of this disease are common in northern China and Taiwan, hybrid sorghum is more serious, and it also occurs in central China and southwest China. It mainly damages leaf sheaths and leaves. After the disease, water-soaked lesions were produced on the stems near the ground, and purple-red and gray-white spots were produced on the posterior leaf sheaths. In late growth or rainy and humid weather...

  • Identification of common varieties of Chinese orchids

    Identification of common varieties of Chinese orchids

    To carry forward the national orchid culture and spread the orchid knowledge, the national orchid usually refers to the geophytic orchid species of Cymbidium plants originating in China, mainly Chunlan, Huilan, Jianlan, Han orchid, ink orchid, spring sword, lotus petal orchid and so on. National orchid includes.

  • The beautiful purple flowers release the romantic color.

    The beautiful purple flowers release the romantic color.

    Zi Jiaohua (Zi Jiaohua) Life is a running river, we are all the people who cross it. On the left bank of the river of life is forgotten, on the right bank of the river of life is remembered. We were on our own boats on the left bank and the right bank.

  • Unparalleled Mei Chunlan

    Unparalleled Mei Chunlan

    Plum petal, a traditional famous product. History: a new species acquired by Xu Zilin people in Shanghai in the past five years. Spread to Wuxi, it changed its name to "Gobengmei". Features: the leaf bud is purplish red, the leaf length can reach 30cm, the width 1.2cm, the leaf posture is semi-drooping, the leaf groove is shallow, the leaf tip is blunt, the leaf is thick and hard, the leaf color is green and shiny, and the petiole is tight. The bud is red and purple.

  • Control of Rice Diseases and insect pests: what is Rice bacterial Brown Stripe?

    Control of Rice Diseases and insect pests: what is Rice bacterial Brown Stripe?

    What is bacterial brown stripe of rice? What are the hazards of rice bacterial brown stripe disease? How to prevent and cure bacterial brown stripe of rice? Please introduce the harm of rice bacterial brown stripe disease: small brown spots appear on leaves or leaf sheaths at seedling stage, and then expand into purple-brown stripes, sometimes as long as leaves.

  • Introduction to the propagation method of multi-flower fingernail orchid

    Introduction to the propagation method of multi-flower fingernail orchid

    The flowering period of multi-flowered fingernail orchid is long, and it is often potted indoors or on tree trunks and rocks. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of multi-flower nail orchid is not high. If you want to propagate it artificially, you can use the method of ramet and cuttage.

  • What are the varieties of American corn?

    What are the varieties of American corn?

    Corn is native to Central and South America and is now cultivated all over the world. It is an important food crop and fodder crop, and it is also the crop with the highest total yield in the world. China is a large corn producing country second only to the United States. In recent years, the planting area of corn has gradually expanded.

    2020-11-27 American line corn variety which original produced in
  • Sorghum black bundle disease

    Sorghum black bundle disease

    Symptomatic sorghum black bundle disease is a vascular bundle disease, also known as duct bundle blackening. When the leaf is obvious, brown stripes appear on the leaf vein, and there are large necrotic spots along one or both sides of the main vein, so that the leaf and leaf sheath become purple or brown, when the leaf is dry, the stem is a little thick, and there is branching in the upper part of the diseased plant. Cross-sectioning the diseased stem.

  • How is corn yellow leaf disease to return a responsibility? What elements are missing in albino and purple seedlings? How to prevent and cure?

    How is corn yellow leaf disease to return a responsibility? What elements are missing in albino and purple seedlings? How to prevent and cure?

    In the process of corn growth, maize seedling leaves will change, which is mostly caused by the lack of elements necessary for corn growth in the soil. What about the corn yellow leaf disease? There are albino seedlings and purple seedlings are missing.

    2020-11-09 Corn yellow leaves disease yes how to return a responsibility appear albino seedling